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Layout Plan

Sitting Layout Plan

Auditorium Consultants have the best architects and engineer to give you the most suitable seating layout plan. It shows in detail the seating dimensions, safety guidelines, standards and design in both multiple isle and continental formats. The basic form and structure of your auditorium will depend upon the style of seating you choose. This also helps in preplanning the use of space. Each type of seating style has its own benefits.
End Stage: End Stage plans have seats arranged in manageable rows that can extend upto the end of the hall, ideal for performances that require aloofness from the audience.
Fan Shaped: Wide Fan shaped pattern allows the performer to get in close contact with the audience, ideal for activities that require audience involvement in the performance.
Arena Stage: As the name suggests, arena is used for one to one activities. Here the seats are set in a circular and elevated level from the performer, almost enclosing the stage.
Basic Theatre: Most commonly used for artistic performances, the basic theatre seating is in a semi fan shape, facing the stage. In this form the view of the activities remains almost same from each seat.
Being an expert in seating, we invite you to meet the team at Auditorium Consultants who has solutions to your every question and will only guide you towards the best option and help you get going on your project.
